Stephen Lyons is not only talking about his campaign, but also telling me a story. This story is about how and why he decided to run for President of the United States, but it is not a story you would expect to hear from a politician.
Growing up Stephen was raised with more Republican learning perspectives, and is now running as a democrat with a mindset that is open for change by welcoming it and also open to hearing both sides. He mentioned how his friends and family support him and his decision to run for president, and how people are his drive to do better, especially the younger generation. It was only around the past two presidential elections he decided he wanted to run for president, but he wanted to get his priorities in check to be able to put this campaign first.
His family has a five-generation plumbing business and he has been a part of it for 40 years. Although he retired within the past two years, he mentions that he still holds the license to keep the family business in the family. With this family business, Lyons helps the community by providing his free time to volunteer to do plumbing work, and teach people how to plumb.
Michelle Berardino, who has known Lyons for over 15 years says, “ I believe him to be a hard-working, dedicated, compassionate, and loyal individual.” After mentioning this, she continues to speak about Lyons’s presence in not only her own life, but her family’s as well. She speaks about how he has been there through good and bad times, while also “bringing positivity to a difficult situation.” In regards to his campaign she mentions that Lyons has worked hard to get to where he is today, and continues to persevere through any obstacles that come as this election proceeds. “He is passionate about making a difference in our country and in the lives of others,” she says
Stephen told me to never live by Three 3 B’s which he likes to call “Triple B”, consisting of being bought, bribed, and bullied. “Politicians are usually either too far left or too far right. I want to accommodate both sides and help people,” Lyons says.
On his campaign website he has 19 specific issues mentioned. “All 19 issues are important, that is why they are on my website,” he said. After he mentioned that he proceeded to explain why he finds them important and why he wants to make a change. Children are his drive to make a difference, especially his grandchildren. He wanted to make that known throughout the interview, that he wants children to be kids, and to be considered first.
Emily Diaz has known Lyons for over a year, and said, “he has been a consistently supportive and encouraging influence in my family’s life.” She mentions how he is dedicated to his family, and speaks on his values towards honesty and hard work. “I believe that he is doing an excellent job running his grassroots campaign, diligently working to secure a spot on as many state primary ballots,” she said. She continues to discuss that Lyons participates in important discussions and is striving to exert a positive influence on people open to listening. “I am confident that, with his values and dedication, he will prove to be an asset to our nation and steadfast advocate for the core principles upon which our country was founded,” she said.
Lyons mentions having plans on what he wants to do, and goals on how to achieve it, and all he really wants to do for us as a society is to: “Leave hope behind for the people,” Lyons said.
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