Diners Attract Customers and Politicians Alike During the New Hampshire Primaries
Reporting by: Alissa Clausell, Mara Tannenbaum, and Brianna Fallon
Reporting by: Alissa Clausell, Mara Tannenbaum, and Brianna Fallon
During my time following the New Hampshire primaries, the one aspect of each event that stood out to me was the environment each candidate chose. Dean Phillips tended to stick to smaller businesses including Brothers Cortado Coffee shop in Concord. Similarly, the one Marianne Williams …
I could not get the video to work so I hope that the youtube work. https://apnews.com/ap-elections-explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OhOXmtTwO8&t=3s
Joe Habersham collaborated with this report. With a population of around 1.4 million people, New Hampshire is considered a relatively small state. Due to its position holding the first presidential primary, many presidential hopefuls travel to New Hampshire with a multitude of supporters, proving its …
The first night at the Dean Phillips event, students from St. Joseph’s high school in Philadelphia were there front and center discussing the use of weapons in schools…, according to reports from August 2023, it was recorded that about 134 Philadelphia students had been victim …
As the campaigning for the New Hampshire Primary Election on Jan. 23 revs into full swing, Americans’ dissatisfaction and exhaustion with the current political climate becomes increasingly evident. Swells of independent voters, curious Democrats, and frustrated Republicans make their way through the state to hear …
There is no shortage of political engagement in New Hampshire. Constituents of the Granite State turn up for their favorite presidential candidates every four years. New Hampshire’s tradition of being the first primary in the nation spanned precisely 100 years, from the elections of 1920 …
An eruption of cheers emerged from the crowd when former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley took to the podium last weekend during her campaign in New Hampshire, days before the Tuesday primary election. Despite losing to her Republican competitor, former President Donald Trump, Haley …
The New Hampshire primaries bring many people from within the state and outside of it to Manchester and bordering cities for big events every four years. This year’s events consisted of rallies and other events by Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Dean Philips, and Marianne Willamson. …