Glenn McPeters is a candidate on the republican presidential primaries for the state of New Hampshire. He is a Philadelphia native, he spent twenty-four years working at IBM, and retired in 2005. He wanted to disconnect from the corporate world and started his own company working with emotionally challenged kids. He takes them to school in the mornings, is really focused on giving back to the community by trying to learn and understand the youth.
McPeters participated in the National Republican Debate at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire, televised nationally back on December 7th. His main reasoning behind running for office is to address the main issues which politicians have had no concern for. He wanted to bring people’s attention toward the justice system in our country stating, “We’ve gotten into a lawless society and there’s no accountability, the current catch and release that we have in this society … there’s no consequence within the justice system, people are committing crimes and released without bail, without punishment for it.”
The entitlement programs are another concern for the candidate. He explained that no one wants to work anymore, and taxpayers are paying for lifestyles… “it’s not like people are doing anything fantastic with the money either, our tax dollars are going to funding Netflix subscriptions and their video games.” He felt that our tax dollars are going to immigration purposes. “In the last two years about five million people so far this year we’ve spent over 150 billion on housing, clothing and helping the people that come across the border illegally.” Veterans aren’t getting that same treatment his eyes, emphasizing that our fallen soldiers need the same support that illegal immigrants are getting in America. There are millions of veterans that are homeless and are being displaced behind non-citizens. Mc Peters even gave a prayer for the veterans that served during Pearl Harbor, during the National Debate.
As a member of the Republican party, he wanted to make it known that his core values are based backed by the party but not too extreme, where he still has empathy for people. He states, “I’m opposed to Trump’s values for instance, kicking people out the country based on their religious beliefs… We’ve gotten to a point where we’re so polarized and the country is broken.” Explaining that Trump orchestrates an attitude to get people’s attention and get them in an uproar, there’s a lot of harsh criticism when it comes to people certain backgrounds whether that’s race or religious beliefs.
Although Glenn McPeters hasn’t actively campaigned, or accepted any national contributions, he still wanted to participate. “I have ideas and I’m able to express my ideas at a national level, while being a regular citizen (McPeters).” Glenn McPeters didn’t have any experts in his campaign that were able to give fact-based evidence on his views and personal opinions of what is happening in America regarding veteran support, entitlement programs and the justice system.
Works Cited
“Glen Mc Peters for President.” McPeters in 2024, www.mcpeters2024.com/. Accessed 14 Jan. 2024.
“Glenn J. McPeters – Current Election Campaign.” Citizens Count, www.citizenscount.org/candidate/glenn-j-mcpeters/running. Accessed 14 Jan. 2024.
“Lesser-Known Candidates Forum, Republican Candidates.” C, www.c-span.org/video/?532244-2%2Flesser-candidates-forum-republican-candidates. Accessed 14 Jan. 2024.
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